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Immunodiffusion Products

*Our products are research and investigational use only

Coccidioides Immunodiffusion Antigen CF                                           1 mL       CB0001

Purified antigen preparation used in immunodiffusion to detect the presence of anti-coccidioidal antibodies in patient serum or plasma. 


1 mL of antigen can provide up to 200 tests*

Anti-Coccidioides Immunodiffusion CF Positive Control Antibody       1 mL       CB0002

Polyclonal antisera to coccidioidal antigen(s) used as a positive control.


1 mL of antibody can provide up to 100 tests*

Immunodiffusion Plates Four Series                                                  10 plates   CB0003

Agar gel containing 4 series of a seven-well stamped pattern.


One 4-series plate can provide up to 16 tests*

*Quantities calculated for a standard immunodiffusion set-up, using 20ul of antigen in the center well, 20ul of positive control antibody in the top and bottom wells, and 4 test specimens in surrounding wells. Calculations assume maximal use of reagents.

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